helping parents succeed

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tips and Tricks for Getting Kids to Clean Their Room

2:08 PM Posted by Unknown No comments

Probably one of the most tiring tasks parents face when they have kids of any age is in getting their kids rooms cleaned. What is even more challenging is in training kids to keep their rooms clean, and to clean up after themselves. How can you get a 3 year old to put away their toys after they are done playing? Can you teach toddlers to get used to putting things away after playtime is over?

Putting away toys is considered “work” by kids, and even parents can concede that putting toys back where they belong is indeed a lot of work. You can however get your child to thinking that putting away their stuff after using them is fun, with the help of some tips that parents may find rather useful. Here are some of them:

Turn it into a game. You can have your kids enjoy putting away their stuff if you turn it into a fun game that you can do with them. You can have them put away things according to type, like toys in the toy box, books on the shelf, crayons in the art box, and so on. Hold up an item and ask them where they should place it, and have them show you. This will not only teach them to put things back where they belong, but it also teaches them to learn how to categorize and organize stuff they own.

Don’t rush them. Rushing your kids and telling them to speed up the clean-up process is counterproductive, and will only stress you and your kid out. Patience is needed in teaching kids how to clean up after themselves, and in order to do that, you have to let them do it at a reasonable pace. You also have to let them know that playtime will also involve clean up time, and part of the time allocated to playing should also include time for putting things back in place.

Provide interesting and ample storage units for them to use. One of the keys to teaching a kid to clean up their rooms after playing is the number of storage units they have. If they have more toys, books, and knick-knacks than there are shelves, toy boxes, and chests to hold these, they might end up thinking that things don’t really need to be in a specific place. Have enough shelves for their books, boxes for their different kinds of toys, and other storage units for anything else that they may play with or use on hand so that they can store all of these away as they should.

Featured Image @ flckr mayr


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